MOSCE-TO: Guiding you through the Primary FRCA

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MOSCE-TO One year on…(1 min read)

In this week's blog post I thought I’d take some time to celebrate what an incredible year we’ve had … 

What started off as a mere effort to help others battle through the tough experiences we had with the Primary FRCA, we have grown and expanded faster than we ever imagined…all whilst taking on full time jobs, moving country, settling into new roles, new positions and working through what feels like a never ending pandemic! Let’s not forget trying to have some form of life in between! (Because we know down time is equally as important as putting those hours in) 

In a nutshell here’s what we’ve been up to and what we’ve accomplished:

300+ hours of material for YOU

- We now have a home -

- Run 12 OSCE courses and 10 workshops

- Helped 238 candidates worldwide who have attended our sessions/services.

- You said, We listened - we’ve expanded our resources on offering to candidates and now have a range of workshops to help you cruise through those otherwise considered tough stations such as anatomy, technical skills, resuscitation, simulation, obstetrics, history and communication.

- Held a free introduction to radiology teaching session

- Launched a mentoring service so we can support you on an individual basis

- Launched our blog!

- Launched a quarterly newsletter 

- Donated 10% of our profits to charity 

- Presented our work at the 2021 Association of Anaesthetists Trainee Conference.

Writing it all down certainly feels like something worth celebrating and we can’t wait to continue growing and changing according to your needs. 

Aleesha and I care a great deal about feedback so if you have anything you’d like to see, change, or have any ideas about how we can help you - comment below - we’re here to help. 

And of course if you like our cause, believe in what we do, and would like to join our mosce-to community then get in touch - we’d love to have you on board.

With love

Yusra & Aleesha

The MOSCE-TO team

Mastering the OSCE - Transforming Outcomes