Optimise your revision strategy - Know your weakness! (2 min read)


Exam revision season is in full swing!

As we prepare the next set of primary frca candidates, I thought it would be useful for you to understand how to figure out your own weaknesses and use it to your advantage when planning your revision.

There’s no time to waste!

Why should I care?

Uncovering your weaknesses will help focus your revision.

Time is precious - why waste it covering material that is not going to benefit you?

Do well-established weaknesses exist?


The RCOA conducted some research from 2014-2016 looking at >20000 candidates who had sat their frca examinations. The result was a 12 page document (referenced) which had some fascinating findings.

  • Females outperformed males in communication and history stations

  • Males outperformed females in equipment and physics related stations

  • Anaesthetists outside of a training post were more likely to obtain a lower score in clinical areas (paediatrics, obstetrics, intensive care) and critical incidents

  • Anaesthetists with a non UK medical degree were likely to require more examination support

  • Anaesthetists with a UK medical degree were likely to do poorly in anatomy stations

  • Overall, study groups were seen to be beneficial for passing

What do I do with this information?

This is research data therefore should not be taken as gospel. However it’s an excellent springboard for guiding revision in the last few weeks.

After each of the above statements, ask yourself “does this apply to me?”. If you do not question yourself, how will you know?


“Am I outside of a training post?” Yes

Have I had exposure to enough paediatrics yet? I’ve done 1 theatre session

Action: Perhaps I need to do some more paediatrics?

There’s still time to identify your weakness and prevent it from costing you a pass in the exams!

Keep going - you are nearly there!

If you struggle to figure out your weaknesses, ask for help!

Book a free mentoring session with us and let’s help you uncover it :).


  1. https://rcoa.ac.uk/examinations/examination-reports-statistics/examination-research-reports

Aleesha Jethwa

Aleesha is an Anaesthetics Registrar working in the North Central London Deanery, UK. She enjoys writing about resilience, education and learning in a digital era.


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