How to make personal changes stick (3 min read)

It’s changeover day!

That means new hospitals, new jobs, new roles, new staff, new responsibilities and new expectations.

Seems like a lot right?

Make your new change MORE ABOUT YOU and less about uncontrollable external factors. 

Got a particular goal in mind? Here are 4 simple ways to make personal changes stick! 

1. Know your why

Remind yourself WHY you have set out to do this job.

Establishing conscious emotional connections can increase your chances of making your new change stick. This is especially important when your day doesn’t go to plan and you are off balance. It can help to remind yourself what you will lose by NOT making this change.

2. Make a plan

What are your goals for this role? Create a Personal Development Plan (PDP) for the job. 

Your PDP must be SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time based - to give yourself the BEST CHANCE OF SUCCESS. 

An example of a good PDP would be:

Learning/Development Need : I want to share my knowledge with other anaesthetists and further my own learning

Agreed action/goal: I will become a blog writer for MOSCE-TO

Resources: Personal time, support from MOSCE-TO team

Date this will be achieved by: December 2021

How will achievement be assessed?: Publishing a blog article on the MOSCE-TO website once a month

3. Publicly commit

Increasing accountability improves your chances of creating lasting change. 

Use your educational supervisor meetings, social media or a friend – to make it even better - get them to “check in” on you!

4. Visualise the end goal

Visualising your success gives you a focus which will help guide your actions.

Create a prompt of your own:-

  • Write it down - Have a task list/PDP

  • Use a vision board and place it in a prominent place

  • Set a daily reminder on your phone

  • Make a hidden post for yourself on social media

Combine strategies to:-

Increase your motivation

Heighten your accountability

 Improve your conscious thought 

 And make things happen

“People who make a specific plan for when and where they will perform a new habit are more likely to follow through”
— James Clear, Author of Atomic Habits

Start something new this CHANGEOVER DAY!

Good luck ☺ 

P.S. if you are interested in habit building then have a look at James Clear’s website for more inspiration!


Adapted from:

Yusra Qamar

Yusra is an Anaesthetics Registrar working in Sydney, Australia. Her interests include personal development, leadership and education.

Appreciative Inquiry - a sustainable approach to development (5 min read)