Dr Yusra Qamar

Dr Yusra Qamar

Hi I’m Yusra!

I’m an Anaesthetics registrar, currently living in Sydney!


Why this course?

Aleesha and I first dreamt up this course whilst studying for our Primary FRCA together. We felt that we had lots of support for the VIVA, however support for the OSCE was less streamlined and more impromptu. With that in mind, our Core Training complete and a wealth of knowledge and experience to share, we began MOSCE-TO! 


About me

I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching as part of my career I find myself becoming increasingly aware of the fact that not everybody learns the same! With MOSCE-TO I’ve combined my passion for leadership and education into one and together we have developed a course designed for ALL types of learners.

I’m all about supporting and guiding you through, and helping to transform the leaders of tomorrow. My interest in leadership has grown from completing a Postgraduate certificate in Leadership for Health Professions; I have implemented this theory into practice through a variety of academic projects including being committee member and subsequent Chair of the North West Leadership School from 2018-2021


My ambitions for this course are to empower you with the confidence to pass and make you realise that you CAN pass. Learning, believe it or not, is a spiral. We learn, we grow, and we share that learning with others. That is what I aspire our course to teach. 


I really enjoy small group teaching, in a structured way – and I believe this is essential to development and success. The MOSCE-TO course is designed to put your needs first, to hone your skills and to provide you with focused educational resources. This might not ordinarily be available to you during your day-to-day job, particularly when it can be difficult to engage with fellow colleagues in between lists for that all important crucial exam practice! 


Throughout the formation and delivery of this course and its materials, I’ve always kept in mind – 1. What did I need? 2. What could’ve been better? 3. How can I make it the best for future trainees to come? And THIS is what drives and motivates me… and makes all the hard work worth it! We are always striving to improve our courses, and I will say that candidate feedback has truly shaped the way that we deliver our services. We really do care!

If you want to know more or think you would like to join the team - please contact us!