How to lose marks on the Primary FRCA OSCE (2 min read)


Everyone always talks about how to gain marks in the Primary FRCA, but what about the ways you can lose marks?

Here are 3 ways to help you avoid making mistakes that could be the difference between a pass and a borderline performance.

Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do.

-Steve Jobs

1.Don’t underestimate non-verbal communication

The OSCE is a knowledge interview. It is objective, BUT there is a human element, especially in the history, communication and simulation stations. The way you present yourself WILL impact on how well you perform in these stations.

How can you be at your best?

  • Think about your posture - don’t slouch!

  • Smile - positivity breeds positivity

  • Maintain eye contact - if you look confident, then it looks like you know what you are talking about, which you do!

  • Watch those hands - do you make a lot of gestures? Try and ensure they don’t become a distracting feature

  • Record yourself - as embarrassing as it sounds, when you watch yourself back you will quickly realise how you come across to others.

2.Don’t ignore the logistics

As exams continue to run online, it is easy to forget that you still need to prepare for the day of the exam. Ignoring the logistics can influence your emotional state and mean that you are not as well equipped to deal with external stressors.

Who wants to add more stress to a stressful day? Not me!

  • Keep your internet stable - ethernet is the best (!)

  • Optimise your audio - use headphones with a mic to avoid getting that “echo”

  • Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed - close the door, lock the cat out, get the kids out of the house. it may be expensive and logistically difficult, but will save you in the long run

  • Have the right desk setup - find a table and get a chair that is the right height - you can get these for cheap on gumtree and it WILL make a difference. Want a back ache AND a headache?

3.Don’t dwell on a bad station

The effect of a “bad station” has been well researched. The fact is, candidates score badly on the next station if the previous station was difficult.

Why? It’s theorised that we dwell on our mistakes and are quick to judge our performance. But is this useful in the acute exam setting?

In order to achieve your best performance, you need to be able to “be in the moment”. Without 100% focus you will be unable to give your best.

So how do you do this?


It’s the single most effective thing you can do in between stations.

It takes no more that 20 seconds.

You don’t need anyone else’s help

It’s a process you are already doing!

SO how do you breathe?

Breathe in through your nose for 5 seconds

Hold the breath for 5 seconds

Breathe out from your mouth for 5 seconds

Pause for 5 seconds

These are 3 of the most common mistakes people make when sitting the Primary FRCA OSCE, and frankly, are applicable to any examination.

Check out our workshops if you want to find out more ways to maximise your chances of success!

Lastly, if you found this post helpful, leave a comment below. It helps us to reach more people so they can get the free advice they need too :)!

Aleesha Jethwa

Aleesha is an Anaesthetics Registrar working in the North Central London Deanery, UK. She enjoys writing about resilience, education and learning in a digital era.

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