HAPPY HORMONES - Get your daily DOSE!

I’m sure being medics we have all heard of these hormones, have probably learnt about them in medicine, but how many of us actually consciously think about their relation to US as individuals on a daily basis?


Do you get…


These are the hormones that help to balance our sense of wellbeing yet it’s unlikely that we consciously think about their relation to stress levels or lifestyle choices. 


The science: 

DOPAMINE – the reward hormone

This hormone is released when you are doing something or have done something pleasurable. For example, eating a great meal, listening to music 

It can also motivate you to “seek and find” happiness and therefore helps you to accomplish your goals, desires and needs. For example learning something new and the feeling of success and accomplishment that comes with this. 


OXYTOCIN – the love hormone 

This one may have been larger to stimulate in recent times with all that social distancing but the love hormone isn’t just released through your contact with others, but it is also cultivated through self-love and self-care.  Taking time out for you is just as important. 


Oxytocin is released through bonding, close relationships and trust. This can then go on to stimulating serotonin and dopamine...giving you bang for your buck! 


SEROTONIN – the stabilising hormone

Not quite as sexy as the others, but it is essential for everyday life. Serotonin helps to stabilise our mood, lowers anxiety and is associated with learning and memory. Its triggered by everyday things such as going for a walk or getting a good nights sleep. 


ENDORPHINS – the euphoria hormone

Endorphins are released to help our body deal with physical pain by giving us a feeling of “euphoria” to mask the pain. Ever heard of the term “endorphin rush” by athletes? Well that’s it! I’ve persisted with exercise long enough myself to know that it’s real…sometimes you just have to wait for it! They aren’t just released with exercise though, endorphins are naturally released in response to stress and therefore doing stress-lowering activities  or putting your body through physical stress such as laughing super hard, or even crying can help to secrete endorphins which is why most people feel “better” after a good old cry…


How to get your daily DOSE?


Studies on neuroplasticity tell us that we CAN rewire our brains to think differently and therefore BE happier we just have to keep at it. Take a look at the infographic below to see how a deficiency in these hormones can affect you and simple things YOU can do to help boost your everyday happiness…


You can see that lack of any of our happy hormones can pretty much all result in feelings of being “off balance” accompanied by low self-esteem, anxiety, and poor motivation. Individuals often experience insomnia alongside this which can very quickly be a recipe for disaster. It’s important to check in with yourself, recognise your emotions, acknowledge and work through them and self-regulate OFTEN. 


Doing so every day, can lead to healthier habits, and a happier life. 

Yusra Qamar

Yusra is an Anaesthetics Registrar working in Sydney, Australia. Her interests include personal development, leadership and education.


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