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FREE OSCE Primary FRCA mock mark schemes! (5 minute read)

We’re on our way to making things even more accessible to you, so you can revise on-the-go, whenever, wherever, and most importantly at a time that suits you. This weeks blog post will give you a sampler of our new Primary FRCA mock OSCE mark schemes which we’ll be launching on our website very soon! Our mark schemes can provide you with a break from the norm, keep you on your toes, and help you on your way to PASSING THE PRIMARY FRCA!

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Resuscitation, Equipment, Technical Skills Yusra Qamar Resuscitation, Equipment, Technical Skills Yusra Qamar

Tracheostomies for the FRCA

With face-to-face exams being back, I’m predicting that the college would love to go back to certain stations which they were less able to convert to a virtual station!

So, here is your masterclass to what you need to know for the Primary FRCA. And remember – knowing this well now, will serve you well for the Final FRCA as well!

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FRCA, Paediatrics, Equipment, Resuscitation, Exam Prep, OSCE Yusra Qamar FRCA, Paediatrics, Equipment, Resuscitation, Exam Prep, OSCE Yusra Qamar

Practical Paediatrics for the Primary FRCA (5 minute read)

I’ve put together an infographic which contains an overview of paediatrics, the things you need to know and some essential doses and calculations you can always refer back to!

I’ll also be discussing some more practical considerations in a little more detail.

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